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Nothing Should Divide Us

This poem expresses what I hope – that through this pandemic we can see our close interconnection as human beings, and our interdependence with our planet and all its life forms.

We who inherit the earth,

who cheer the new moon peeking

through the clouds,

who admire the green leaves of summer

turning to lustrous reds and yellows,

who watch them fall to the ground –

cold, brown, stiff . . .

We who give birth to new life,

who are exhilarated by the sun rising,

who are romanced by the setting sun,

who dream to the floating clouds . . .

We who have left a passing mark on the future of the world

must have the same heart,

must have compassion for one another,

must have respect for each person,

must understand that though we have differences,

we all want the same things.

Nothing should divide us.

modified from a poem by Susan Polis Schultz, 2001