Healing Touch classes

For those interested in learning Healing Touch, there are 5 levels of training to become a Practitioner. These classes must be taken in order. After Level 4, you become a Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice, and mentor with a HT Qualified Mentor to prepare for Level 5 & HT Practitioner Certification.

Levels 1, 2 & 3 each carry 16 continuing education contact hours for nurses, massage therapists, and physical therapists, and Category 2 credits for physicians. Level 4 & 5 classes carry 30 continuing education contact hours each.

Package prices at a significant savings are now available. You can learn more about available packages and about HT training at www.healingtouchprogram.com.

Currently, most HT classes are taught online using Zoom technology, so are available to anyone with internet access. There are now live in-person classes in some states. A schedule of all classes (Levels 1-5) currently scheduled is available at this link: Healing Touch Class Schedule